Friday, May 2, 2014

Five on Friday: Happy May!

Linking up again with Christina and Liz for five on Friday!

-One- Golf!

The hubs scored us some club house tickets to the tournament this Saturday and I am pumped!  I haven't been since 2010 and am really looking forward to it!  It's so cool to have this event in Charlotte, and we live close by to the course so we often see the players out and about over the weekend!

-Two- LUSH

Oh my LORD!  I cannot believe this store is opening at South Park mall here in town.  I have been obsessed with LUSH for about two years and could only order it online which, was a little pricey shipping wise!  This company is super cool and fun, natural, and also cruelty free (which is why I found it originally)!  I'm right down the road (can walk to the mall) and I have a feeling I may buy out the whole store... 

-Three- Wedding Cake!

Okay, so Michael and I were very doubtful that our cake would survive a whole entire year in the freezer...but guess what it did!  It tastes just as good as it did at our wedding and we've been enjoying a small piece nightly all week!

-Four- Yoga!!

Tuesday night my friend convinced me to attempt my first yoga class.  I was nervous but excited too... I don't work out much and have been wanting to find something I enjoy.  Plus, there's a yoga studio right by my house!  The hour long class flew by and I honestly really loved it and can't wait to go back!

-Five- May!

Now that it's may it's really beginning to feel like summer!  I am excited for warm days ahead and fun summery weekends!  This month we've got two BBQs to go to plus my cousins wedding!  I can't wait.  Tonight we are headed to a cookout at our friends house and I'm ready to relax and unwind.  Happy Friday!!


  1. I have never heard of Lush but will have to check it out. And also... isn't it about time SouthPark gets a Zara?!? Patiently waiting...

  2. Lush is so fun! If you're into beauty at all you'll love it! They have fun unique stuff--bath bombs, solid shampoo, cute stuff for holidays, etc! Also agreed on Zara, I bet it will come soon! H&M is opening soon at South Park too! The mall is almost perfect!

  3. I love that y'all froze your wedding cake! We did not {it was cheesecake... I didn't think it would freeze well; so wish I would have at least TRIED} but I always have thought that's a pretty darling tradition. My sister lives in Charlotte and I was just out there visiting them- it's a wonderful place! Jumped over from Friday Five~ Have a great weekend! Sarah @

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Glad you liked Charlotte! Where all did you go?! Wedding cake was totally all my mom...she knew what to do to freeze it (many foil layers). Not sure how cheesecake would of done though!


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