Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday: Refocusing

Linking up again with East Coast Chic & Home of Malones

Today my thoughts are simple, and the quote above really struck a chord with me.  This week I've been reminded to really take a step back and focus on what matters in life, namely friends.  It's so easy to be hyper focused on our own lives.  It's so easy to spend our days mostly on ourselves, spend our free time keeping up with the jones, etc.  It's easy.  What's not easy is really stepping back and appreciating the people we have in our lives that we couldn't imagine life without.

I had a friend open up this week about some truly scary struggles they are going through right now.  This brave friend was hurting and I had actually taken the time to notice and listen.  It really hit me at my core how much more of that I need to be doing.  How I need to redirect my attention sometimes to the people I love and just be there for them.  It's so easy to forget to do this.  It's so easy to put off seeing a friend because you're too busy. I'm going to try and focus now on what's not easy.  Because truly, God has blessed me with wonderful people in my life.  Nothing else could matter more than that simple fact.


  1. i love finding charlotte bloggers! i am one too :)

    completely agree about showing people you love them; never such a thing as too much love!

    xo, your newest fellow charlotte follower!

  2. Hi! I'm so happy you found me!! I love meeting fellow charlotteans! Thanks for following I'll be sure to follow back!


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