Tuesday, June 9, 2015

27 Week Bumpdate!

So here we are, in the last week of my third trimester, not even a full week really since each trimester is technically 13.3... weeks etc.  This past thursday was my glucose test and thankfully I passed!  108!  I was pretty anxious about it and honestly did NOT enjoy that test.  I went in with an empty tummy and that drink did not go down easy.  Plus, they drew blood for another test and I almost passed out... Michael was pretty anxious that's for sure!  They also told me I was measuring at 28 weeks when I was 26 weeks 3 days.  This prompted me to get an ultrasound from my friend who is an MFM (maternal fetal medicine specialist, a specialized OB).  I am pretty darn lucky to know her, she's been taking really good care of William and I.  At this scan we discovered that we have a big baby on our hands (sometimes you could measure big due to fluid).  He measures 9 days ahead and is in the 68th percentile.  His feet however... are in the 90th... Already 5.38 centimeters!  Hilarious to Michael and I who both have petite feet!

How Far Along? 27 weeks

Size of Baby: A Rutabaga, measuring 14.8 inches and as of friday is officially 2.7 pounds

Gender: A little man!  William Baker Mazhari!

Weight Gain:  A whopping 25 pounds

Maternity Clothes: Yes, and the few non maternity items I was squeezing into just aren't comfortable.  I scored a few loose flowey tops at the gap and a pair of maternity athletic capris that I will be living in.  I already have boxed up some maternity items that I have outgrown...

Nursery: William's carseat arrived on friday and I love staring at it and imagining taking him home from the hospital.  We went with the Britax B-Safe for BOB.

Movement:  Oh yes... he is now waking me up during the night consistantly.  I also can look down at times and see my entire tummy move... Hoping he decides to turn soon since he is currently transverse.

Symptoms: Heartburn, occasional braxton hicks, occasionally I sleep funny and cut off circulation to one of my arms and it hurts all day.

Sleep: Not as great this week.  Waking often 2-3 times a night.  Some nights I can't seem to fall asleep or stay asleep.  It's safe to say the pregnancy insomnia has begun.

Cravings:  Orange Juice, Icecream, Pizza

What I Miss:  Getting up out of bed or off the couch easily.

Best Moment This Week:  Michael sent me for my first ever massage yesterday and it was amazing. He gets massages often to cope with sciatica and the masseuse was incredibly sweet and gushed about how adorable Michael is when she sees him, he is so excited for the arrival of his son.  Totally made me melt to hear that and I felt fantastic afterwards!!

Looking Forward To: This weekend we are headed to Wilmington, NC to visit Michael's family.  His youngest cousin is graduating from high school and so everyone is going to celebrate.  I can't wait to see them all and enjoy the beach!

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