Thursday, September 24, 2015

The birth of our son William


Dear neglected blog, I got lazy with the last couple of bump dates and will include my final three bump shots now before I jot down the story that changed our lives.

It's already crazy to look at these photos almost a month out!  Time feels like it has flown.  

At 10am on August 25th I was laying in bed and felt a bit of a trickle "down there" I honestly thought I might be peeing (because pregnancy gets you to that point my friends...) so I stood up to go to the restroom and a HUGE gush came it that was unmistakable.  It was a surprising amount of fluid!  In utter shock I quickly called my husband to let him know that my water had broken and he stuttered he would be home right away.  I then got dressed, fixed my hair, and applied a bit of makeup I was excited but almost in disbelief!  I had always suspected William might come early (and let's be honest I was hoping too) but I was only 38 weeks 1 day!  Michael arrived home soon after and we finished some last minute packing and headed to the hospital once my midwife said to go ahead and go straight there.  I was strep B positive, so they wanted to start me on antibiotics ASAP.  We arrived and were shuffled to triage where my midwife checked to make sure it was amniotic fluid.  This hurt quite a bit!  She also confirmed that I was now 2cm when the day before at my 38 week appt  I was 0! (side note: I may not get the checks next time, it stressed me out not changing from week to week) Soon after I was admitted I was allowed to labor naturally for about 5 hours since my contractions weren't very strong and they didn't want me to go past the 24 hour mark due to my water breaking.
At 4:30pm I was started on pitocin after spending the last few hours walking and bouncing on the labor ball.  My mom, dad, and mother in law had come to the hospital but I had to kick them out soon after, things were beginning to hurt!

I labored that way for a while, and by the time I was screaming into Michaels chest every contraction, I knew it was time to ask for an epi.  I was only 3cm at that point but knew I needed it.  It was a wonderful epi, I could feel my legs and move them a bit but no pain!  Thank goodness for Michael, it wasn't easy to be still for that.  After I received it we both tried to rest for a while and I wasn't checked again until 2:30am.  By that point I was feeling a lot of pressure and honestly felt like I needed to push which surprised me!  When my midwife went to check me she laughed "well, there's his head!  Are you ready to have a baby?!"  My husband was amazed, he thought he'd be getting more sleep!
(resting up between contractions)
 (The view from our room)

I started pushing at 2:45 and William baker Mazhari arrived at 3:19am!  It was just me, Michael, the labor nurse and my midwife--it was perfect.  I could feel my contractions, and I could feel him coming out!  He was placed on my chest and my entire universe changed in a single moment.  I sobbed for joy it was indescribable.  A few minutes later we realized he was grunting more than crying and not pinking up super well.  A few minutes later he was taken to the warming bed and my tears quickly changed to fear.  After what seemed like an eternity he was whisked to the Nicu for extra monitoring.  I've never felt such fear in my life.  Thankfully soon after Michael went down and could see he was fine.  Once my epi wore off enough I was wheeled down and once I held him my heart began to beat again!  We spent about an hour down with him before shift change and he was brought back up a few hours later.  Thankfully all he needed was a little bit of cpap and was monitored.  No oxygen and all was well, just a bit of fluid he needed help getting out praise he lord!

(on his warming bed in the nicu)

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